26 November, 2009
Ketupat daun nyiur
dah lama sgt rasanya tak pegang daun kelapa utk menganyam ketupat, rasa nya adalah dlm 3 thn kot, dah tak pernah langsung menganyam ketupat nih, ye la kan selalunya balik kg raya pun smpi mlm raya, sumenya mak, mak mertua, adik beradik ipar duai dah siapkan keja2 dapur menjelang raya, kita ni cuma masak lauk pauk je dari rumah sendiri utk bawak balik ke kg. memandang komitmen suami ku yg berkhidmat utk negara & selalu cuma dpt pelepasan last minit...(selalunya setengah hari sebelum raya..)
tak sangka pulak thn ni raya haji ada daun kelapa utk di anyam ..
Bibik aku ni la, makciknya tnya pandai ke anyam ketupat, aku pun ckp le, dedulu tahu tp dah bertahun tak anyam ketupat, memandangkan daun kelapa pun ada, aku pun try le polish balik skil menganyam ketupat nih sesambil mengajar bibik utk menganyam ketupat nih...
tak sangka lak boleh lg wlu pun sudah berkurun tidak menganyam ketupat akan tetapi rupanya aku cuma mahir dgn 2 jenis ketupat saja, jenis ketupat yg lain sume dah lupa & ambik masa yg lama nak ingat selok belok anyamaan nya itu... dari pada aku buang masa & merosakkan daun kelapa tersebut maka aku pun buat je la ketupat biasa (org sebut ketupat sate) & ketupat duduk saja, itu sajalah yg aku mampu nak ingt cara anyamannya itu......
tadaaaaaa..!!!! .dgn rasa bangganya aku pun nak la tunjuk kat korang kelonsong ketupat yg sudah siap di anyam itttew.......
24 November, 2009
Korang bacalah ek, pastu komen le sesuka ati korang...
dah ready nak baca...jom baca....
...Yg mana satu anda??
Punggung dan paha merupakan pusat segala pergerakan badan. Ia menentukan cara kita bergerak memajukan diri kita dalam kehidupan.
Terdapat 5 bentuk punggung dan paha iaitu seimbang, bulat, rata, besar dan tinggi. Yang mana satu anda??
1. Seimbang
Paha dan punggungnya seimbang. Tidak terlalu besar. Tidak terlalu kecil. Tidak terlalu bulat. Tidakterlalu rata. Pemiliknya dikatakan seorang yang tenang dan pemurah. Bakal ibu dan bapa yang baik. Seorang ibu yang sangat penyayang. Seorang bapa yang jelas pemikiran ke mana hala tuju keluarganya dan sangat berjaya dalam kerjayanya. Perjalanan hidup teratur tanpa banyakmasalah dan stabil.
2. Bulat
Individu yang mempunyaipunggung yang bulat adalah seseorang yang berjiwa kental, idealistik, periang, sentiasa bersemangat, pandai mengawal perbelanjaan, suka bersosial dan boleh bergaul dengan sesiapa sahaja. Kuat mengharungi segala cabaran hidup sama ada cabaran yang baik atau yang buruk.
3. Tinggi
Punggung tinggi ke atas. Orang ini dikatakan mempunyai daya seks yang sangat tinggi. Sangat disukai ramai. Tidak kisah dengan kata-kata negatiforang lain. Hatinya tidak mudah sensitif dengan kata-kata yang diluahkan orang lain. Suka berseronok. Orang ini suka membuat sesuatu mengikut hati dan perasaan bukan fikiran menyebabkannya sukar mendapat status tinggi dalam masyarakat.
4. Besar
Pemilik punggung besar dan paha besar seorang yang romantik. Subur. Sihat. Penuh rasa cinta. Sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi mencapai cita-cita. Ceria, pemurah dan bijak menguruskan kewangan. Baginya tidak ada yang mustahil. Segalanya boleh diatasi. Jenis ¿no problem¿. Sentiasa mengukur kejayaan diri dengan jumlah harta dan wang yang mampu dikumpulkan.
5. Rata
Punggungnya rata atau hampir sama rata dengan badan. Ia melambangkan empunya diri yang lurus, bijak dan terlalu idealistik. Tidak pandai mencari peluang berniaga. Jika perempuan, ia dikatakan tidak subur dan tidak mempunyai anak lebih dari satu. Tidak mempunyai perancangan masa depan yang jelas. Terlalu berserah kepada keadaan tanpa ada insiatif untuk memajukan diri.
caye ke tak?????..........hehehe dah abis baca ke?????, gi le tgk cermin atau tanya la kat life partner korang...yang mana bentuk korang punya....aku dah tgk cermin dah!!! hahaha
entah!! aku ni baca buku ke tgk buku je...
Di sebabkan arini hujan suasana sgt sejuk damai je aku rasa...aku pun batalkan sume niat & hasrat nak kluar atau nak buat appointment di luar....
selongkar almari itu ini, sana sini, entah tiba2 mcm semangat nak membaca tu dtg, selongkar la almari yg jadi mini library kat rumah ni, selongkar nak asing2kan mags yg dah lama2 tu , nak bg kt kwn2 atau jual kat lori surat kabar lama tu, sayang nak buang, mungkin ada org lain boleh memanfaatkan ilmu atau info2 dlm mags tu sume wlu pun dah lama...
byk2 buku2 yg jd kesayangan aku dah lama aku tak baca, yg salu aku baca & jd feveret aku La tahzan, kisah bidadari syurga, di atas sejadah cinta, bila cinta bertasbih. yg lain2 tu baca sekali lalu & sekali imbas je, ada yg dah berhabuk rupanya..sbb tak di baca lama sgt....agak2 korg buku2 yg di beli tp tak baca tu ada perasaan merajuk tak ek...???(soklan apa ni ek, aku pun tatau ) he he he....
setakat ni aku tadak la buku psl jutawan2 ni, yang aku tahu le entah dah berapa juta rupiah Indon dah aku belanjakan shopping di Indon, aku tak ingt dah....sbb masa shopping tu salu lupa diri..ha ahaha....aku shopping kat ner pun salu lupa diri,termasuk la shopping kat kedai 2 ringgit...err kat kedai 2 ringgit pun ada jual buku gak...
dah sume member2 yg kuat melanggut kat blog tu citer psl buku yg derang baca, pastu lak ada yg tgh buat karangan citer utk di nobelkan, aku pun nak la share gak psl buku2 yg aku baca ni..kot2 la jadi inspirasi kat member2 yg kuat melanggut dpn pc/lap top tu, jd ilham mendatang, musim2 cuti2 sekolah, musim2 hujan, kan......!!??
petunjuk sepanjang jalan terlalu luas utk di definasi kan, membuka ruang minda yg luas utk memahaminya......
Ye!! Ye!!....dapat adiah...
setelah sekian lama beday aku, baru aku dpt nengok adiah aku. mak aii!! dah dkt nak sambut beday thn 2010 baru dpt adiah beday thn 2009. sob...sob.
...adiah korg dah ilang wanginya lama sgt dlm dlm kotak le baru aku dpt...tkpe nnt thn 2010 aku tuntut dabel taw adiah aku...he he he...nnt korg aku bg reminder ek......tatapla adiah2 yg korang bg ittew!!!
adiah dari sape pun aku tak ingt le...tp tuan punya badan yg bg adiah tu mesti ingat tu...
tima kaceh banyak2 ek sbb ada la gak memori dari korg sume wlu pun ada yg masih tidak dapat lg ku tatap wajah kalian. Belum ada jodoh anak bertentang mata.. tp nnt thn dpn kasi dabel ek.kui kui kui.......
12 November, 2009
cmne nak hapdet..cable hp ilang..uwaaa
cable nak sambung ke lap top hilang
sume gmbo ada dlm hp
nak kena kuor wit la ni
beli cable baru ke hp baru
wahahaha...cita2 tinggi ni
tp tanak beli sendiri
nak tggu beday utk dpt hp baru
thn dpn lak.......
lmbt lg nak smpi tarikhnya
bertemankan suasana romantik cahaya lilin2 ini..
aku teruskan menconggak-conggak pilihan nak beli cable baru ke hp baru, klu hp baru brand & model apa aku nak beli lak....berapa rega lak ....
duit, duit di mana duit....
07 November, 2009
Acara mkn secara berduet di siang hari jumaat
04 November, 2009
Love Yourself
1. Fall in love with yourself. Think about what makes you You. Just like a flower that needs watering to grow, learn to nurture yourself in every way. Love yourself for all the good that you see and accept your flaws and the fact that you are imperfect. This does not meant that you do not learn to change from your shortcomings; instead, you are being gentle and kind to yourself for all your flaws. Look in the mirror and fall in love with the reflection that is You.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)
2. Eliminate Self Criticism. Do you often berate yourself over the tiniest thing? Is there a little voice inside your head that often tells you that you are no good because you are stupid or make mistakes. If you find that you criticise yourself often, make an effort to stop the self criticism.
“I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ.” — unknown
3. Be Kind And Positive. When you start to think kindly and positively about yourself, the love you have for yourself just grows. Make it a habit to praise yourself everyday, while in the front of the mirror. Because of such thoughts, you naturally undertake empowering actions that support your development.
4. Acknowledge Your Effort. It’s not always about winning or having success in everything that you do. Many times, it is the effort that counts! Acknowledge that you’ve done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.
5. Let Go Of Worry. Loving yourself requires you to let go of your worry. It is a horrible way to live a life filled with constant worrying. I can attest to that! Worry does not help in any way. It cannot, on its own, make things happen. Only wise actions can! So instead of worrying, spend time thinking about what you can do to help in the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, then ask the Universe for your desired outcome and let things work out on their own. Things will come to be, if they are meant to be.
“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” — Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)
6. Trust Yourself. Have confidence in your abilities. Know that you have the ability to make important changes for yourself, for as long as you put your heart to it. You can also support yourself by visualizing desired outcomes.
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”
Benjamin Spock quotes (American Pediatrician and Author, 1903-1998)
7. Forgive Yourself. If you have made mistakes in the past that had caused you to feel less worthy, then you need to forgive yourself. All of us make mistakes; so there really is no need to beat yourself up over them. Or if you’ve been carrying around a baggage of emotional hurt because of a childhood trauma, learn to forgive yourself that it is not your fault.
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lewis B. Smedes quotes
8. Be Truthful To Yourself. Loving yourself requires you to be truthful about your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad, acknowledge the sorrow. When you are truthful about your feelings, you do not try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead, acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are. And as we all know, thoughts can be changed, so that healing and self growth can take place.
9. Grow Spiritually. When you spend time growing spiritually, loving yourself is an automatic thing. You become more peaceful, connected, kind, loving and compassionate. You nurture a mind that grows more beautiful by the day. How to not love yourself in the process?
10. Make Positive Affirmations Everyday. Post affirmations that can help raise your self esteem everyday. For instance, say this to yourself “I love and accept myself completely and unconditionally.” Read your affirmations out loud several times a day.
11. Express Gratitude. Express gratitude for the person that you are. For instance, cultivate an appreciation for your strengths and gifts. Also, feel a sense of gratitude that you are alive and well, and fully capable of making a difference in your life.
12. Nurture Your Dreams. Why deny yourself your dreams? When you nurture your dreams, you would love the life that you are leading. Every moment that you live is a joy because you are expressing yourself fully.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. —Mark Twain
13. Boost Your Self Confidence. Make a deliberate attempt to look for opportunities that can help improve your sense of Self. For instance, if you are particularly good at doing something, set aside more time to indulge and improve your skills on it. Knowing that you have particular gifts can boost your self esteem.
14. Relax. You need to give yourself space to take breaks every now and then. If you spend your time working, without paying attention to your health, it also means that you do not love yourself well enough to take care of your own body. Fill your time with silence, soothing music and visions of beauty; anything that nourishes your Soul.
15. Have Fun. Inject some fun into your life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable. Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. If you can think of life in this manner, you automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.
16. Look After Your Body. It is important that you strengthen yourself with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Your body is a temple and you should treat it with respect, love and care. It has been found that the lack of self love is often the root causes of conditions like eating disorders, obesity or even terminal diseases.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn quotes (American Speaker and Author. He is famous for motivational audio programs for Business and Life. )
17. Learn To See Beauty. When you learn to see beauty in every thing, you will also see beauty in yourself. Hence, stop to smell the flowers. Notice everything. Feel everything. The pink blush of the flowers in your garden, the greeness of the plains, the whisper of the gentle wind, or the myraid hues of an evening sky.